Elektrobit’s Lucian Badescu explains why fail-operational systems are a real game-changer and how to achieve their requirement for guaranteed continuous and reliable operation.
RTI’s Rajive Joshi explains how a data-oriented architecture using the DDS standard can reduce the cost of vehicle software development and maintenance.
Murata experts explain how to overcome challenges in the development of high-performance computers and zonal controllers, with a specific focus on timing devices, inductors and capacitors.
Kernkonzept’s Adam Lackorzynski and Jan Klötzke explain how to enable scalable and adaptable zonal and central software-defined vehicle architectures.
Join Alejandro García Osorio from Applus+ IDIADA and Francesco Ambrogi from VI-grade for an insightful webinar on how parametric virtual models in VI-CarRealTime can change your approach to vehicle development.
Murata’s Dr Jens Adams and Thomas Widmer explain how to overcome IVI and CDC development challenges, focusing on communication modules and timing devices.
TTTech Auto and ZettaScale experts present innovative protocols that are transforming automotive systems by supporting real-time, data-centric communication, V2X readiness, and AUTOSAR integration.
Experts from Quest Global, Marelli Electronics and Y-Mobility explore the transformative shift towards the software-defined vehicle.
TTTech Auto’s Dr. Sascha Drenkelforth presents a systematic approach for analyzing fail-operational systems in automotive applications.
Elektrobit’s Dr. Moritz Neukirchner introduces “Moritz’s SDV Levels”, a framework inspired by SAE levels of autonomy, outlining the stages of SDV evolution from Level 0 to Level 5.
Perforce CTO Brad Hart and Mike Weiss, Senior Solution Architect for Epic Games present examples of the innovative ways game engines are currently being used and could be used in the future.
Experts from NXP, Vector, Green Hills Software, and Archermind explain how to overcome hardware and software integration challenges in software-defined vehicle development.
NXP’s Brian McKay, Stefan Cinipeanu, and Marius Lucian Andrei present the S32M2 family, an integrated solution for 12V Motor Control.
Murata product experts Cyrine Trigui and Parth Pansare provide unique insight into the ADAS Domain Controller, focusing on MLCC and Inductor products.
VI-grade’s Michael Hoffmann explores the pivotal role of Digital Twins in enhancing software functionality, ensuring safety, and exceeding customer expectations.
AVL’s Martin Rothbart explains how to implement appropriate methods and processes to define and control product CO₂ targets during development.
NXP’s Jean-Philippe Meunier explains how to satisfy new E/E architecture requirements with comprehensive power management solutions, ranging from central compute to zones and end nodes.
Remco Timmer of HERE Technologies explains how location technology can help OEMs create SDVs that are advanced, efficient, safe, and optimized.
Elektrobit’s Illia Safiulin present the first solution to bridge the gap between Classic AUTOSAR and the new generation of hardware accelerators to provide seamless configuration and integration.
Rohan Pandit of ETAS and Infineon’s Michael Arzberger and Laurent Heidt discuss the complexities of balancing cybersecurity, performance, and cost-effectiveness in today’s competitive market.