Shift left: electronics architectures for the software-defined vehicle
NXP’s Andy Birnie presents a high-level overview of the technology behind the software-defined vehicle and provides insight into the implications for hardware and software.
NXP’s Andy Birnie presents a high-level overview of the technology behind the software-defined vehicle and provides insight into the implications for hardware and software.
Experts from KPIT and Amazon Web Services experts discuss the software-defined vehicle journey and joint offerings that contribute to efficient virtualization.
Experts from AB Dynamics explain how driving robots can be used instead of human drivers to improve the efficiency and outcomes of durability and misuse track testing.
Simon Cleghorn of W. L. Gore discusses the challenges of fuel cells for heavy-duty long-haul vehicles and explains why they are an attractive technology for this application.
KPIT experts explain how to use physical testing and simulation data to address everyday design challenges in automotive applications.
HBK’s Sönke Treinies explains how to test inverter-driven electrical machines, and where and how a modern, high-end power analyzer can help to understand and optimize the devices under test.
Experts from ZF, Microsoft, and AVL discuss solutions to enable a smooth transition to a continuous software deployment while ensuring software quality and security requirements.
Steph Lavallin, Andrew Pick and Leo Evans of AB Dynamics explain how to optimise vulnerable road user (VRU) testing with a new, manoeuvrable platform that better replicates urban ADAS scenarios.
John Baker of Ansys explains how to overcome engineering challenges using a new cloud platform that enables automotive customers to run simulations in the cloud easily.
VI-grade’s Michael Hoffmann provides an in-depth overview of a scalable family of driving simulators, from the desktop-based simulators to the DiM500.
Alexander Stock of HBM and Brüel & Kjær presents a power analyzer for electric drives calculating power, RMS and efficiency during steady-state and transient operation.
Experts from VI-grade discuss the latest technologies used in the development process, including simulation software and attribute-specific driving simulators.
AVL’s Rittmar von Helmolt and Martin Rothbart discuss possible energy distribution and storage methods and their short- and medium-term feasibility.
DRI explain why they have developed the next generation of pedestrian target and how it makes ADAS system development and testing more efficient.
AVL’s Gerhard Schagerl and Alwin Tuschkan explain how to use electric vehicle battery data analytics to support design decisions, optimize operation, and predict issues in the field.
VI-grade’s Michael Hoffmann explains how to make the product development process more human-centric using a simulation-driven approach.
Laura Kürzel and Rico Renger explain how ETAS can help enable automotive service business.
KPIT experts discuss their approach to PEM fuel cell stack and balance of plant (BoP) development for commercial vehicle applications.
Dell Technologies and dSPACE experts describe how modular HiL/SiL systems and end-to-end data management can come together to offer the most flexible, complete system for simulation and validation.
HBK’s Mitch Marks discusses reactive power, including RMS values, fundamental values, and filter selection to achieve the desired result.