Stéphane Turlier of Electra Vehicles and NXP’s Maciek Krawczyk discuss current and future considerations for EV battery packs and management systems.
AVL experts explain how to use machine learning to intelligently monitor the health of the unit under test and the overall system.
Ricardo’s Rushab Shah highlights real-world examples across the transport sector that have leveraged data technologies to drive decarbonisation for OEMs and operators.
FEV’s Dr Umesh N. Hivarkar explains the role engineering data science will play in shaping the future of mobility.
HBK’s Mitch Marks discusses the failure modes of electric motors and explains the benefits of measuring electrical values for durability testing.
AVL’s Stefan Scheidel and Helmut Grassberger discuss how to implement suitable methodology and tools to help engineers find the optimal parameters in a multidimensional design space.
NXP’s Robert Jin explains how System-on-Chip (SoC) health monitoring enables failure prediction and predictive maintenance to achieve better system availability.
Assaf Harel and Tal Ben-David of Karamba Security provide unique insight into supply chain management security given R&D and software release schedules.
Elektrobit and Qt Company experts discuss the future of digital cockpits and explain how the partnership between their companies enables a resource-efficient, turnkey development solution for the automotive industry.
Experts from Siemens and Hyundai Motor Group explain how to use a test-data-driven MBSE approach to accurately predict road noise, focusing on the vehicle body, suspension, and tire.
AB Dynamics’ Matt Dustan introduces kinematics and compliance (K&C) testing and discusses how K&C test machines are evolving to meet the future needs of the automotive industry, including EV testing and HIL capabilities.
Experts from AVL provide a holistic view of requirements on test facilties for hydrogen ICEs. The experts will also identify solutions to the numerous test bed transformation challenges.
NXP’s Erik Santiago and Angela Bernal Pinzon propose a safety concept for HV-LV power converters that increases availability without full redundancy.
NXP’s Baptiste Vignasse and Jérôme Dietsch explain how to increase fault tolerance and maintain motor control functionality if failure occurs.
HBK’s Mitch Marks explains how to analyze, track, and measure electric motor harmonics.
HiL experts discuss how to synchronize development between the OEM and supplier by employing Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) testing, where the real component is integrated into a real-time simulated environment.
KPIT’s Stefan Zeppetzauer and Amit Shah present a comprehensive approach to electro-mechanical diagnostics coupled with the diagnostics of software running on HPCs within the software-defined vehicle.
AVL’s Tomas Dehne explains how to use testing tools and solutions specifically for balance-of-plant (BoP) fuel cell applications.
Elektrobit’s Joel Thurlby explains how hypervisor technology provides the foundation for a safe and secure automotive operating system.
AVL experts discuss an easy-to-use solution that supports you throughout the development process with assistants such as the engine model generator, parameterization wizards, and various automated workflows.