Aiming for carbon neutrality: experiences and perspectives from a current sensor maker
Martin Rothbart, Senior Product Manager Energy & Sustainability, AVL | LinkedIn
Arndt von Gregory, Principal,, Strategy Engineers | LinkedIn
Quentin Piat, Head of Sustainability, LEM Holding SA | LinkedIn
Carbon neutrality is a complex and long-term process that requires a commitment to continuous improvement.
In the third part of the AVL and Strategy Engineers webinar series, LEM’s Quentin Piat shares his experience from a customer point of view about used CO2 assessment methodologies used for scopes 1 to 3, presents some assessment results, and identifies measures to reduce GHG emissions in their production facilities.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Inside knowledge from a top current sensing company committed to achieving net-zero targets for scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 2025 and for scope 3 emissions by 2040
- Transformation of methodology into action in a complex and rapidly evolving business
- Concrete examples of what measures can be taken to sustainably reduce a company’s CO2 emissions in a competitive environment