Experts from OpenSynergy discuss the company’s flexible radio software solution, which OEMs and Tier1 suppliers can integrate across different car models, geographical territories, hardware, and hardware generations.
PatSnap’s Johnny Aguirre uses patent analysis to present a panoramic view of the most critical aspects of digital transformation in the automotive industry.
Experts from Continental discuss how high-performance computers (HPCs) are enabling a superior user experience (UX) for the vehicle of the future.
Engelbert Loibner of AVL outlines a comprehensive approach to support decision making for the industry’s most pressing vehicle development questions.
Experts from Altran discuss how the company’s combined expertise in automotive, connectivity engineering, cybersecurity and data science can help to monetize V2X beyond road safety.
Elektrobit’s Steffen Kuhn describes how agile practices can be combined with the application of the functional safety standard ISO 26262 when developing safety-related automotive embedded software.
Dow’s Bruce Hilman and Brad Tuft provide an overview of silicone adhesive curing technologies on the market today and describes development trends.
Professor Bernd Hindel, CEO of Method Park, discusses the core principles of the industry-specific Automotive SPICE® (A-SPICE) standard.
AVL’s Dr. Wolfgang Puntigam discusses new approaches within the vehicle development process and its evolution into an open development ecosystem.
Experts from Elektrobit and Unity discuss how to connect HMI development processes and extend the power of real-time rendering to create next-generation, future-proof user experiences.
KPIT’s Dr Manaswini Rath discusses how to achieve validation coverage in virtual simulation for ADAS and AD features.
A panel of experts from Canoo, Linux Foundation/AGL, Sibros, UL and Uptane, explore the importance of safety-driven automotive security.
Mark Pfeiffer, CTO and Co-Founder of SiaSearch, discusses how data recordings can be made easily accessible through content-based search.
AVL experts discuss the Ajunic ECU, which can be installed in passenger and commercial vehicles to implement ADAS and automated driving functions.
Motional’s Laura Major and Oscar Beijbom discuss the role of data sharing in the development of self-driving vehicles.
Cinemo’s Ivan Dimkovic demonstrates how the company’s technology can enable a complete journey with cloud gaming and VoD solutions.
Ricardo experts discuss how a connected electronic horizon can improve energy efficiency, enable enhanced assistive controls for greater comfort and smart planning for zero emissions in urban areas.
Zeenia Framroze of Smartcar outlines future mobility trends, along with the opportunities that are emerging, and some of the associated challenges and alternative perspectives.
The Co-Chairs of the UNECE Task Force share their perspective on the process of drafting a vehicle cybersecurity regulation and how they see it impacting the industry.
Experts from BMW, Wind River, Mentor and TietoEVRY discuss potential solutions that ‘tame the beast’ of vehicle software complexity.