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Christian Götz, CEO, HiveMQ | LinkedIn

The automotive industry is embracing the concept of a connected car to deliver better user experience, develop new potential revenue streams and improve vehicle performance. However, the challenge of creating a reliable and scalable connected car platform is significant due to unreliable cellular networks, the limitation of HTTP for bi-directional communication and requirement for handling spikes in connectivity traffic.

HiveMQ has been collaborating with major automakers, including BMW and Audi, to build connected car platforms based on MQTT, a lightweight publish/subscribe protocol that is ideally suited for connecting millions of cars.

In this free webinar, Christian Götz, CEO of HiveMQ, shares his experience of advising the automotive industry on how to use MQTT to build reliable and scalable connected car platforms. He draws upon work in the automotive industry to demonstrate how MQTT and HiveMQ address challenges the automotive industry faces when building and deploying connected cars.

Webinar video

Webinar slides

Meet the experts

Christian Götz