How virtualization can be an automotive OS enabler
Joel Thurlby, Senior Expert, EB corbos Safety , Elektrobit | LinkedIn
Moritz Neukirchner, Chief Expert, Lead Architect Infrastracture Products, Elektrobit | LinkedIn
In this free webinar, Elektrobit’s Joel Thurlby and Moritz Neukirchner discuss the role of a bare-metal hypervisor such as the EB corbos Hypervisor in abstracting vehicle resources and allocating them to clusters of vehicle functions in a software-defined vehicle (SDV).
In addition, the presentation highlights how a bare-metal hypervisor helps to maintain the quality, safety, and security of an automotive OS and SDV as a whole.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Gain insight into the separation of vehicle functions from vehicle ECUs in a SDV
- Understand the role of an automotive OS in sharing vehicle resources and realizing the SDV
- Find out why a bare-metal hypervisor is essential for an automotive OS on a centralized platform
- Discover how a bare-metal hypervisor prevents interference between clusters of vehicle functions
- Find out how a bare-metal hypervisor supports non-functional properties of the automotive OS and SDV