Lighter, greener, simpler – structures through advanced roll forming of high-strength aluminum
Don Whitacre, Technical Director, Novelis | LinkedIn
Brian Oxley, Product Manager, Shape Corp. | LinkedIn
While aluminum roll forming has been around for a long time, it has been used only for simple, open shapes. However, in this free webinar, Don Whitacre of Novelis and Shape’s Brian Oxley explain how new advances in aluminum sheet metal and joining technologies have opened the door to creating complex roll-formed sections that offer high performance at a lower cost.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Discover how new alloys and joining techniques have opened the door for complex, high-strength structural aluminum sections that simplify a structure overall
- Learn how many features, including holes, forms, and fasteners, can be added directly in the roll-forming operations rather than post-form operations
- Find out how Novelis and Shape are developing and productionizing the technology to roll form complex shapes