Making OpenStreetMap automotive grade with NNG Maps
Dr. Viktor Vereb, Map Content Quality Specialist, NNG | LinkedIn
Horea Meleg, Product Manager, NNG | LinkedIn
The community-based nature of OpenStreetMap offers unparalleled coverage of road networks, points of interest, and other rich map content. However, until now, it has been missing key elements that would make it automotive-grade.
In this free webinar, NNG OSM experts Dr Viktor Vereb and Horea Meleg explain how NNG Maps overcomes the technical challenges involved, building on over ten years of experience with OpenStreetMap and two decades of NNG map compilation expertise to bring OpenStreetMap to automakers.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Discover how NNG Maps works with the community to make OSM automotive-grade
- Understand OSM technical challenges and how NNG Maps overcomes them
- Learn how NNG Maps is already helping automakers get their customers from A to B