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With the growing volume of software in the modern vehicle, the complexities of integrating multiple operating systems, platforms and components are skyrocketing. Add to this the fact that the vehicle is increasingly a player in multiple cross-industry contexts, such as the internet of things, smart cities, shared mobility and vehicle to infrastructure initiatives.

Industry players including automakers, Tier 1 suppliers and software services companies are evolving to better manage this growing complexity while attempting to reduce costs and time to market.

Moderated by Matt Jones, Chief Systems Architect at Wind River Systems and GENIVI Board Chairman, this free webinar provides insight into the challenges faced by industry stakeholders, and brings to light potential solutions that ‘tame the beast’ of vehicle software complexity.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Understand the multiple sources of vehicle software complexity
  • Methods of managing and reducing complexity through common platforms and standards
  • How collaborative organizations like GENIVI Alliance are well-positioned to help

Webinar video

Webinar slides

Meet the experts

Matt Jones

Board Member and Chairman, Product Marketing Leader, GENIVI Alliance

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Jochen Boehm

Area-Lead Development LINUX-/Genivi-Platform, BMW Car IT

Michael Ziganek

General Manager, Automotive Business Unit, Mentor - A Siemens Business

Ari Aalto

Vice President Automotive and Smart Devices Business Unit, TietoEVRY