Continuous TARA: Adapting to changing requirements and evolving cybersecurity threats
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In this free, 60-minute webinar, AVL’s Jürgen Wurzinger will discuss the challenges and requirements of implementing continuous Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA) across the vehicle supply chain, from project initiation to maintenance and reevaluation.
The expert will highlight issues with manual, data-table-driven methods in adapting to evolving threats and changing requirements and explain how automation and standardized data exchange formats enhance supply chain collaboration and enable ongoing threat reassessment.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Discover why changing requirements and an ever-evolving threat landscape require a continuous TARA reevaluation
- Understand why support of existing data exchange formats, like SysML, ReqIF or CycloneDX, ensures an efficient integration of the TARA into upstream and downstream activities
- Find out why industry collaboration on the definition of a lean data exchange format is crucial for efficient supply chain collaboration