Upstream’s 2025 cyber report: uncovering the latest trends in automotive & smart mobility cybersecurity
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While UNECE WP.29 R155 compliance and its 2024 milestone have spotlighted regulatory adherence, they’ve also fostered a false sense of security.
In 2024, ransomware attacks surged across the automotive and mobility sectors, causing unprecedented disruptions. As the rise of software-defined and autonomous vehicles introduces new vulnerabilities, the integration of smart mobility devices like EV chargers and fleet systems into critical infrastructure has expanded the attack surface and amplified the stakes.
To close cybersecurity gaps, stakeholders must accelerate the adoption of AI-driven detection and investigation tools while enhancing vSOC monitoring and remediation efficiencies.
In this free, 60-minute webinar, Upstream’s Giuseppe Serio and Matt MacKinnon explore the latest trends in automotive and smart mobility cybersecurity and their impact on safety, availability, and customer experience, sharing key insights from Upstream’s 2025 Global Automotive Cybersecurity report, including:
- Massive-scale incidents tripled, accounting for 19% of all attacks
- Black hat actors executed 65% of attacks
- Telematics and application servers (66%) and APIs (17%) were the top targets
- 59% of incidents led to data and privacy breaches, while 55% caused operational disruptions
- AI-powered tools are transforming cyber strategiest