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, 1pm Stuttgart | 4:30pm Mumbai | 7am Detroit

Stefano Casari, Chief Architect, Elektrobit | LinkedIn

Christoph Rade, Solution Marketing Manager, Elektrobit | LinkedIn

Tanveer Zaidi, Project Manager, Elektrobit | LinkedIn

Robert Enderle, Solution Manager, Elektrobit | LinkedIn

Can’t attend live? Register anyway, and we’ll send you a link to the slides and a video of the webinar when it’s finished.

Commercial vehicles are the workhorses of the highway, delivering essential products to where they’re most needed. To maximize the productivity of these hard-working vehicles, optimizing them for connectivity, cost efficiency, vehicle health, driver safety, sustainability, and regulatory compliance is essential.

Truck manufacturers play a pivotal role in this, making it easier to achieve these goals by providing smart, connected cockpits that are fully integrated with the rest of the vehicle and centralized fleet management systems.

In this free, 60-minute webinar, Elektrobit’s Stefano Casari, Robert Enderle, Christoph Rade, and Tanveer Zaidi discuss industry developments, technologies, opportunities, and challenges and provide possible solutions.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Understand how truckmakers can deliver the best and most advanced technologies
  • Learn how to minimize development costs and time
  • Discover how to integrate third-party services into the truck cockpit ecosystem

Meet the experts

Stefano Casari

Chief Architect, Elektrobit

Christoph Rade

Solution Marketing Manager, Elektrobit

Tanveer Zaidi

Project Manager, Elektrobit

Robert Enderle

Solution Manager, Elektrobit