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As next-generation vehicle E/E evolves to a zonal architecture, OEMs are turning to a data-centric framework to reduce the cost of vehicle software development and maintenance.

Powered by the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard, data centricity enables system interoperability and fosters an ecosystem of software components that adhere to a common baseline data model.

In this free, 60-minute webinar, Learn how the DDS data backbone can meet current and future performance requirements.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Discover how Zonal E/E architectures reduce hardware costs and weight, improve serviceability, and enable OTA updates, recalls, and feature enhancements when combined with the right software
  • Gain insight into how adopting a data-oriented architecture using the DDS standard can dramatically reduce the cost of vehicle software development and maintenance
  • Learn how applying a data-oriented software architecture using DDS effectively creates “software wiring” that maintains a shared state in real-time and ensures a single source of truth in the system across ECUs
  • Find out why Zonal E/E architecture paired with a data-oriented software architecture using DDS provide a stable foundation for modern vehicle software system development, maintenance, and operation

Meet the experts

Rajive Joshi

System Architect | Principal Solution Architect, RTI