Experts from AWS and Upstream explain why organizations need to rapidly detect, prioritize and respond to API security risks to protect critical data and ensure business continuity.
Experts from Elektrobit discuss the safety risks in high-performance controllers and explain how to build ISO 26262-compliant software architectures.
Erich Meier of UL Solutions and Jama Software’s Matt Mickle present an integrated framework to accelerate systems and software development.
David Xu of Renesas explains how to use a group of single-chip MCUs to reduce costs and expedite the development of automotive electrical body applications.
ETAS experts explore the implementation challenges of the ISO 21434 standard, such as evaluating its effectiveness, integrating it in the development process and overcoming resistance to change.
Claudia Filpes and Erich Meier of UL Solutions explain how the Automotive Process Framework (APF) can dramatically accelerate this process improvement.
MAHLE Powertrain’s Simon Williams provides a technical overview of the requirement for engines to run at lambda-1 and achieve EURO7 emissions.
Bill Taylor of UL Solutions discusses an efficient, integrated approach for meeting the ever-growing need for standards compliance, including functional safety, cybersecurity, SOTIF, and more.
Elektrobit’s Dr Simone Böttger and Danny Noack of Argus Cyber Security explain how to secure AUTOSAR-based ECUs to meet regulatory requirements using IDPS.
George Bray and Sam Hutchings of ETAS explain how to use a starter kit to get an experimental Classic AUTOSAR sandbox up and running in minutes using ETAS tools.
Tal Ben-David presents insight into Karamba Security’s latest vehicle cyber attack vulnerability report.
OpenSynergy’s Tero Salminen explains how open-standard-based virtualization enables the portability of software applications to the cloud during product development, independently of the underlying physical hardware.
Experts from Argus, Volta Trucks, and ATEEL explain how to achieve cyber security type approval faster, smoother, and more cost-effectively.
Experts from AVL and Strategy Engineers explain how companies can practically measure their CO2 footprint, which governance structures are proven, and how a structured funnel process can optimize product development.
Experts from KPIT and Amazon Web Services experts discuss the software-defined vehicle journey and joint offerings that contribute to efficient virtualization.
Karamba’s Assaf Harel examines the cybersecurity management system process from the perspectives of both the cybersecurity provider and the customer.
Experts from Ricardo discuss the key drivers for circularity and provide practical advice on deploying circular economy business models and applying life cycle assessment to inform decision-making.
Thought leaders from Upstream, ServiceNow, and Deloitte discuss automotive cybersecurity regulatory compliance for OEMs based on R155 (CSMS) and R156 (SUMS).
Elektrobit’s Joel Thurlby and Moritz Neukirchner discuss the role of a bare-metal hypervisor in abstracting vehicle resources and allocating them to clusters of vehicle functions in a SDV.
Experts from HERE Technologies and Elektrobit discuss the Euro NCAP regulation, its ratings, and how it connects with ISA and highly accurate location data.