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Gerhard Schagerl, Product Line Manager Data Intelligence, AVL | LinkedIn

Alwin Tuschkan, Project Manager IODP, AVL | LinkedIn

The battery is the most expensive component in electric vehicles, so optimizing its quality and lifecycle is critical.

In this free webinar, AVL’s Gerhard Schagerl and Alwin Tuschkan explain how to use electric vehicle battery data analytics to support design decisions, optimize operation, and predict issues in the field.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Learn how to analyze the vast amount of electric vehicle cell/pack test data
  • Find out how to use connected vehicle data to identify the SOH in the cloud and extend the battery lifetime for each vehicle
  • Discover how artificial intelligence can predict the risk of thermal runaway

Webinar video

Webinar slides

Meet the experts

Gerhard Schagerl

Product Line Manager Data Intelligence, AVL

Alwin Tuschkan

Project Manager IODP, AVL