Function as a Product – a pragmatic approach towards software-defined vehicles
Nicolas Perrin, Head of Product Group Networking and New Value Streams, Continental | LinkedIn
With the transition towards software-defined vehicles, the current monolithic functions, consisting of hardware and software, will be scattered into different hardware and software environments. This transition will occur at different rates across markets and OEMs, while functional content in the vehicle remains consistent regardless of the type of E/E architecture.
In this webinar, Nicolas Perrin from Continental explains how to overcome these challenges using Function as a Product to deliver vehicle functions to end users now and in the future.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Understand the paradigm shift of the “Function to Software” relation
- Gain insight into how Function as a Product goes beyond providing only software
- Discover a concrete example of a function transformation from current to new E/E architecture
- Learn how Function as a Product fits a hardware/software decoupling strategy