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Testing millions of scenarios in different test environments provides a significant hurdle in ADAS and autonomous driving (AD) development.

In the first installment of this ADAS and Autonomous Driving webinar series, AVL’s Heiko Scharke, Josko Balic, and Florian Klueck present the company’s toolchain for an optimized scenario-based workflow – AVL SCENIUS™. It guides users through challenging ADAS/AD testing, verification, and validation tasks to achieve safety in every sense.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Easy scenario design based on latest standards
  • Scalable scenario database supported by an efficient scenario data management
  • Optimized test planning efforts for different ADAS/AD testing use cases
  • Smart test methods to maximize test coverage
  • Senseful ADAS/AD test reporting and analysis

Webinar video

Meet the experts

Heiko Scharke

Global Product Manager Proving Ground Solutions Instrumentation and Test Systems, AVL

Josko Balic

Senior Solution Manager Controls & ADAS Advanced Simulation Technologies, AVL

Florian Klueck

Test Engineer Cyber Physical Systems Powertrain Engineering, AVL