Structured automotive cybersecurity testing on an ethernet example
Stefan Marksteiner, Senior Technology Scout Cyber Security, AVL | LinkedIn
David Tromba, Senior Penetration Tester, AVL
The latest UNECE regulations on automotive cybersecurity management, design and verification create the need for a structured cybersecurity testing process and a new, innovative approach to automating the testing procedure.
In this free webinar, AVL’s Stefan Marksteiner and David Tromba explain how to structure cybersecurity testing in an automotive environment. The experts also discuss approaches to semi-automated cybersecurity testing at an industrial-grade level and illustrate them in a hands-on automotive ethernet example.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Why manual testing is not enough
- An approach to comparable and efficient cybersecurity testing for automotive systems
- How to automate the cybersecurity testing process
- How to verify aspects of an automotive ethernet network’s integrity