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Michael Hoffmann, Zero Prototypes Evangelist, VI-grade | LinkedIn

Vehicle manufacturing today is highly complex due to the multitude of electronics, software, and sensors. Moreover, many of these subsystems are not developed by vehicle manufacturers. Therefore, OEMs and suppliers face the challenge of coordinating their development efforts.

In this free webinar, Michael Hoffmann, Zero Prototypes Evangelist at VI-grade, demonstrate through a selection of use cases (many of those coming from the recently hosted 2024 ZERO PROTOTYPES Summit) how Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) tests enable OEMs to synchronize development by integrating real components into a simulated real-time environment.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Examine the current challenges in automotive manufacturing, especially regarding collaboration between OEMs and suppliers
  • Understand the importance of a human-centered development approach
  • Identify critical success factors and best practices for Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) tests for both offline and Driver-in-the-Loop (DIL) applications

Webinar video

Webinar slides

Meet the experts

Michael Hoffmann

Zero Prototypes Evangelist, VI-grade