Fail-operational systems: The key to safe and reliable software-defined vehicles
10am Stuttgart | 1:30pm Mumbai | 4am Detroit
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Fail-operational systems are crucial for software-defined and SAE L3-L5 autonomous vehicles, with software playing a key role in their implementation and integration.
In this free webinar, Elektrobit’s Lucian Badescu explains why fail-operational systems are a real game-changer and how to achieve their requirement for guaranteed continuous and reliable operation.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Differentiate between fail-safe and fail-operational E/E system and their impact on the vehicle driving experience
- Understand why fail-operational systems are required for SAE Level 3 -> L5 and x-by-wire systems
- Discover how to fulfil fail-operational system requirements efficiently
- Gain insight into what makes Classic AUTOSAR the right development framework for building fail-operational systems