Accelerating vehicle controller development with VI-CarRealTime and Simulink
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Developing and evaluating vehicle controllers requires seamless integration with full vehicle dynamics, sensor data, and realistic driving environments. By leveraging advanced simulation tools within MATLAB/Simulink, engineers can enhance their development process and validate control strategies efficiently.
Join Scott Bergeon, Technical Specialist at VI-grade North America, for an exclusive webinar showcasing how VI-CarRealTime and VI-WorldSim empower engineers to integrate, simulate, and test vehicle controllers in a dynamic virtual environment.
Whether you’re working on braking systems, ADAS, or powertrain control, this session will provide valuable insights and hands-on demonstrations to elevate your development workflow.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Seamless Integration with Simulink: Learn how to incorporate VI-CarRealTime and VI-WorldSim into your MATLAB/Simulink workflow for real-time vehicle simulation.
- Controller Development & Validation: See a live demonstration of embedding control models into a full vehicle simulation, including sensor data from cameras, radar, and LiDAR.
- Real-World Testing in Simulation: Explore how to model a brake controller using meta camera sensor data in an emergency braking scenario, enabling rapid validation in a virtual environment.