KPIT’s Rasika Shejul and Ketan Doshi explore the potential impact of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Plug & Charge technology on the future of e-mobility.
Experts from ETAS explain how developers and engineers can avoid pitfalls and elevate their software development processes.
Dr. Umesh N. Hivarkar explains how FEV’s AI-powered digital battery improves battery range, efficiency, safety, and lifetime, enabling multiple new applications for EVs.
Upstream’s Jason Masker and Matt MacKinnon discuss the findings in Upstream’s latest H1 2024 report on cybersecurity trends and new attack vectors affecting the automotive and smart mobility IoT ecosystem.
HBK’s Mike Hoyer explains how to best overcome EMI challenges and significantly improve the accuracy of electric powertrain measurements.
Nick Elsner and Felix Nolteernsting present an innovative software solution which enables you to plan power grids in fully automated fashion in a split second.
AVL’s Anne-Marie Schuppan presents solutions for a MegaWatt charging setup with regard to standardization, energy flow, and efficiency.
Elektrobit’s Lazo Eric, Prashanth Kurumbudel, and Tommi Tallgren provide unique insight into the technologies shaping the future of the motorcycle industry.
IAV’s Johannes Dornheim and Mirko Knaak discuss how a generative AI-based assistant can help write, evaluate, and correct requirements by reducing repetitive tasks.
DSD’s Akm Arafat and Timo Roesch of Opal-RT explain how to leverage a P-HiL system for controls development and inverter validation, reducing costs during EV motor and inverter development.
Remco Timmer of HERE Technologies explains how location technology can help OEMs create SDVs that are advanced, efficient, safe, and optimized.
Marc Sens and Dr Alexander Fandakov discuss how IAV and Convergent Science are collaborating to simulate thermal propagation.
Element’s Chara Diaz provides unique insight into the trends dominating electric vehicle battery technology.
AVL’s Bernhard Brunnsteiner and Rolf Döbereiner discuss commercial vehicle battery requirements and explain how to integrate a battery system into the chassis of a European low-floor city bus.
NXP’s Bétina Bebey presents the GD3162 gate driver, which drives the latest SiC and IGBT modules for xEV traction inverters.
NXP’s Patrik Varecha and Narsimh Kamath explain how to overcome application challenges in the LEV segment using a 48V motor control solution.
René Steinek and Dr. Rolf Doebereiner present AVL’s innovative fuel cell truck solution.
Garrett’s Surya Kiran Yadla discusses the potential of SAI systems with electric boosting to meet and exceed upcoming emission regulations.
Element’s Mike Pendleton explains how battery design verification and analysis can help answer questions before they arise and how to save costs in design and production validation cycles.
IAV’s Michael Rieß presents an efficient 1-D simulation approach for predicting premixed spark-ignited combustion concepts based on future fuels such as ammonia, methanol and hydrogen.