How full power battery and motor emulation provides a robust platform for control algorithm and inverter validation
AK Arafat, Principal Engineer, Drive System Design (DSD) | LinkedIn
Timo Roesch, Market Director - Transportation and Power Electronics, Opal-RT | LinkedIn
In this free webinar, DSD’s Akm Arafat and Timo Roesch of Opal-RT explain how to leverage a Power-HiL (P-HiL) system for controls development and inverter validation, saving time, mitigating risk, and reducing costs during electric vehicle motor and inverter development.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Gain insight into DSD’s four-step power electronics and motor control development method
- Learn how to combine hardware and software tools to mitigate risk, boost efficiency, and improve drive system robustness
- Understand the specific high-fidelity capabilities of a P-HiL system
- Discover how DSD leverages a P-HiL system for controls development and inverter validation, saving time, mitigating risk, and reducing costs
- Find out how DSD utilizes Opal-RT Power P-HiL systems to seamlessly move into full power validation of power electronics, saving time and cost in motor and inverter development programs