Highly efficient two-speed e-axle for SUV and light-duty BEV applications
Christian Schmidt, Project Manager Transmission Design, AVL | LinkedIn
Henrik Dhejne, Product Manager, AVL | LinkedIn
In this free, 60-minute webinar, AVL’s Wilhelm Vallant and Henrik Dhejne present details of a highly efficient two-speed e-axle system, which reduces cost and improves performance in SUV and light-duty battery electric vehicle (BEV) applications.
The experts also discuss how to meet customer expectations regarding efficiency, performance repeatability and product cost with a unique power flow, size reduction possibilities, and a powerful cooling concept.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Overview of AVL’s innovative e-drive technology paired with a highly efficient and cost-effective transmission design
- Learn how to apply new simulation methods to optimize the overall system efficiency, NVH, thermal behaviour and durability in the early stages of e-axle development
- Discover the requirements for two-speed applications
- Find out how to set and meet technical targets