Isolation and virtualization solutions for automotive real-time processors
Janna Garofolo, Automotive Processors Applications Director, NXP | LinkedIn
Marius Rotaru, Automotive Software Chief Architect, NXP | LinkedIn
George Ciusleanu, RTOS and Hypervisor Software Architect, NXP
In this free, 60-minute webinar, NXP’s Janna Garofolo and Marius Rotaru discuss the key aspects of isolation and virtualization solutions for real-time automotive MCUs.
The experts will explain how software enables these solutions to address ECU consolidation use cases to create safe and secure virtual ECUs and will present a live demo of S32Z/E SoCs using NXP and L4RE/KernKonzept technology.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Discover how HW firewalls can enable isolation and resource partitioning
- Gain insight into virtualization enabled by Hypervisors
- Find out how S32Z2 and S32E reduce the complexity of mixed-critically software integration and enhance safety and security within all vehicle architectures