Software-defined vehicle diagnostics – keeping the ‘software on wheels’ in motion
Stefan Zeppetzauer, Global Business Leader, Diagnostics, KPIT | LinkedIn
Amit Shah, Head Product Development, Diagnostics, KPIT | LinkedIn
Software-defined vehicles with software-centric integration require new integration workflows, tools and methodologies to manage and maintain them.
In traditional control systems, diagnostics events are responsible for detecting malfunctioning sensors or actuators, but diagnostics are not run on the ECU software. With over 300 million lines of software code poised to drive the software-defined vehicle, this surely is a tipping point.
In this free webinar, KPIT’s Stefan Zeppetzauer and Amit Shah present a comprehensive approach to electro-mechanical diagnostics coupled with the diagnostics of software running on HPCs within the software-defined vehicle.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Gain insight into future diagnostics trends
- Understand next-generation vehicle architectures and the need for a software-defined vehicle
- Learn about the motivation for next-generation diagnostics standards
- Find out about traditional diagnostics approaches and their limitations in serving the software-defined-vehicle
- Understand service-oriented vehicle diagnostics and their role in the future of vehicle diagnostics
- Discover KPIT’s diagnostics solution for the software-defined-vehicle