The seven golden rules of successful automotive IT security testing
Dr. Martin Moser, Head of Security Consulting and Testing Munich, ESCRYPT | LinkedIn
Cyberattacks, or hacks, are an omnipresent and ever-increasing threat to automotive IT systems. To reduce the risks, manufacturers of such systems need to find (and fix) potential vulnerabilities before others do. This is where security testing comes into play.
In this free webinar, ESCRYPT‘s Dr. Martin Moser provides insight into different IT security testing methods, the benefits of whitebox testing, and discusses the system components that should be tested.
Key topics and takeaways:
- An overview of different security testing methods
- A comparison of whitebox, greybox and blackbox testing
- Automated (tool-based) versus manual (expert-based) security testing
- Clarification: Where in the lifecycle of a product should testing take place
- The importance of a holistic approach