Automotive E/E Architecture series part three – Zone Controllers
11am Stuttgart | 3:30pm Mumbai | 6am Detroit
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In the third part of this E/E architecture webinar series, Murata’s Dr Jens Adams, Verena Özdemir and Parth Pansare explain how to overcome challenges in the development of high-performance computers and zonal controllers, with a specific focus on timing devices, inductors and capacitors.
Key topics and takeaways:
- Find out how to use high-tech solutions to develop sophisticated and efficient zone controllers
- Gain insight into Murata’s cost-effective timing devices, which offer consistent supply and exceptional quality through distinctive packaging
- Discover Murata’s common mode chokes tailored for various signal interfaces and metal alloy power inductors designed for high switching frequency applications in DC-DC converters
- Learn how capacitors enhance the controllers’ ability to manage energy usage more efficiently, leading to reduced losses and better performance in mobility systems