Wireless Networks
Data center on wheels: automotive clocking with Renesas AutoClock
Anh Vu, Staff Product Marketing Specialist, Renesas Electronics | LinkedIn
The vital role of cryptography in vehicle security
Transforming compliance for cooperative intelligent transport systems
Kathrin Hagemann, Technical Consultant for the Harmonization of C-ITS Services and IAV lumits Product Owner, IAV | LinkedIn
Personalized journeys: how software-defined vehicles transform the in-vehicle experience
Ivan Dimkovic, Co-Founder, Technical Strategic Advisor, Cinemo | LinkedIn
Dealing with zonal architectural challenges in software-defined vehicles
Illia Safiulin, Product Manager, Elektrobit | LinkedIn
Enabling secured global time synchronization in software-defined vehicles
Safeguarding Automotive Ethernet networks
End-to-end security in vehicle electronics architectures
Fabrice Poulard, Technical Director – Cybersecurity, NXP | LinkedIn
Software-defined vehicle – the impact on development and user experience
Andreas Greff, Head of Architecture and Software – Vehicle Systems Architecture, Continental | LinkedIn
Empowering automotive systems with microcontroller virtualization and software isolation
Dr. Bruno Kleinert, Product Manager, Elektrobit
Dr. Giambattista Carnevale, Principal Application Engineer, Infineon Technologies | LinkedIn
Enhancing automotive security foundation with hardware-based security solutions
The automotive EMC test plan
Jeff Markham, EMC Principal Engineer, Element Materials Technology | LinkedIn
Data-driven configuration for automotive intrusion detection systems
New horizons in cloud-connected hybrid and BEV battery systems
Ceren Acar, Battery Systems Department Manager - Electric Powertrain, FEV | LinkedIn
Securing AUTOSAR-based ECUs from cyber risks to enable innovative mobility
Edge data management for software-defined vehicle
Overcoming in-vehicle communication challenges in a physically zonalized, logically-centralized architecture
Lulu Chan, Principal System Architecture Engineer, NXP | LinkedIn
The importance of zone control units in software-defined vehicles
Jesreel Baybay, Product Specialist for Zonal Architectures, Continental | LinkedIn