Elektrobit’s automotive network experts present the reasoning and methodology of using the multi-core distribution of CAN and Ethernet stacks that lead to significant benefits.
Upstream’s Shachar Azriel and Haim Kantor will discuss strategies to cope with the critical automotive cyber security risks and vulnerabilities that will occur in 2023.
Dell Technologies and dSPACE experts describe how modular HiL/SiL systems and end-to-end data management can come together to offer the most flexible, complete system for simulation and validation.
Lena Steden of ETAS and ITK Engineering’s Milan Stute discuss the challenges of risk assessment and management in the automotive industry.
Stéphane Turlier of Electra Vehicles and NXP’s Maciek Krawczyk discuss current and future considerations for EV battery packs and management systems.
Dr Marta Martínez Vázquez of Renesas presents the basics of mmWave radar for automotive applications and underline the challenges and trade-offs in radar design.
Ricardo’s Rushab Shah highlights real-world examples across the transport sector that have leveraged data technologies to drive decarbonisation for OEMs and operators.
FEV’s Dr Umesh N. Hivarkar explains the role engineering data science will play in shaping the future of mobility.
NXP’s Robert Jin explains how System-on-Chip (SoC) health monitoring enables failure prediction and predictive maintenance to achieve better system availability.
Jonpaul S. Jandu of Renesas presents a cost-effective digital instrument cluster with an integrated surround-view monitor that meets ISO26262 ASIL B requirements.
KPIT’s Santhana Raj discusses critical software approaches, architectures, and solutions for the new age of radars in autonomous vehicles.
Assaf Harel and Tal Ben-David of Karamba Security provide unique insight into supply chain management security given R&D and software release schedules.
Elektrobit and Qt Company experts discuss the future of digital cockpits and explain how the partnership between their companies enables a resource-efficient, turnkey development solution for the automotive industry.
ETAS experts explain how OEMs and suppliers can create a certified cybersecurity management system (CSMS) and related management system based on PROOF and the ETAS template repository.
HiL experts discuss how to synchronize development between the OEM and supplier by employing Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) testing, where the real component is integrated into a real-time simulated environment.
Sjon Kuijpers of HERE Technologies and Martin Pfeifle of NNG explain how automakers can equip their vehicles with intelligent insights to help reduce driver errors.
KPIT’s Stefan Zeppetzauer and Amit Shah present a comprehensive approach to electro-mechanical diagnostics coupled with the diagnostics of software running on HPCs within the software-defined vehicle.
Dr Ibrahim Armac of ETAS provides unique insight into future over-the-air (OTA) update challenges and potential solutions.
Elektrobit’s Joel Thurlby explains how hypervisor technology provides the foundation for a safe and secure automotive operating system.
IBM’s Dr Andreas Kühmichel and Michal Frenkel of Argus Cyber Security explain how a specialized Vehicle SOC provides a complete view of fleet cyber security.