Software-defined vehicles: the promise and the emerging cyber threats
Upstream’s Shachar Azriel and Chip Goetzinger discuss recent cyber attacks on SDVs and explain how an effective cybersecurity platform can help overcome them.
Upstream’s Shachar Azriel and Chip Goetzinger discuss recent cyber attacks on SDVs and explain how an effective cybersecurity platform can help overcome them.
Dave Bogema of VI-grade explains how to use a simulator to bridge the gap between objective data and subjective customer experiences.
AVL experts discuss various aspects of simulation software development and engineering for fuel cell systems, highlighting the mutual benefits of the two disciplines under one roof.
Experts from Argus, Volta Trucks, and ATEEL explain how to achieve cyber security type approval faster, smoother, and more cost-effectively.
Experts from FEV discuss the role of efficiency-optimized hydrogen internal combustion engines in reducing emissions in commercial vehicle applications.
Simon Cleghorn of W. L. Gore discusses the challenges of fuel cells for heavy-duty long-haul vehicles and explains why they are an attractive technology for this application.
Experts from Ricardo discuss the key drivers for circularity and provide practical advice on deploying circular economy business models and applying life cycle assessment to inform decision-making.
VI-grade’s Michael Hoffmann provides an in-depth overview of a scalable family of driving simulators, from the desktop-based simulators to the DiM500.
Karisma Leftinger, Mark White and Phil Dodge share the findings of a new Alumobility study showing aluminium’s important role in the logistics industry.
AVL’s Rittmar von Helmolt and Martin Rothbart discuss possible energy distribution and storage methods and their short- and medium-term feasibility.
KPIT experts discuss their approach to PEM fuel cell stack and balance of plant (BoP) development for commercial vehicle applications.
AVL experts explain how to use machine learning to intelligently monitor the health of the unit under test and the overall system.
Ricardo’s Rushab Shah highlights real-world examples across the transport sector that have leveraged data technologies to drive decarbonisation for OEMs and operators.
AVL’s Stefan Scheidel and Helmut Grassberger discuss how to implement suitable methodology and tools to help engineers find the optimal parameters in a multidimensional design space.
Experts from AVL provide a holistic view of requirements on test facilties for hydrogen ICEs. The experts will also identify solutions to the numerous test bed transformation challenges.
AVL’s Tomas Dehne explains how to use testing tools and solutions specifically for balance-of-plant (BoP) fuel cell applications.
AVL’s Martin Rothbart and Rittmar von Helmolt explain how to overcome the shortcomings of existing approaches for future energy systems.
KPIT experts explain how 48V electrification allows for the application of multiple powertrain technologies to meet upcoming GHG regulations.
AVL experts discuss an easy-to-use solution that supports you throughout the development process with assistants such as the engine model generator, parameterization wizards, and various automated workflows.
Experts from AVL discuss the layout of hydrogen engines in passenger car and commercial applications, focusing on hybrid solutions for high-efficiency passenger car powertrains.