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This webinar explores the use of digital twins in motor control systems, specifically focusing on virtualising the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) in field-oriented control (FOC).

The session will highlight how digital twin technology is applied to replicate real-world motor behaviour and control algorithms that are particularly relevant for electric vehicles, robotics, and industrial automation applications.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Obtain an overview of digital twins and their use cases across different industries
  • Find out how to apply digital twins to electric motors, particularly in motor control systems
  • Gain insight into the process of designing a digital twin for an electric motor, including key considerations and methods
  • Discover implementation strategies for integrating digital twins into motor control systems
  • Experience a live demonstration of the digital twin in action using NXP’s MCSPTR2AK396 Motor Control Kit with S32K396, including a performance comparison with the actual system

Meet the experts

Michal Vidlak

Motor Control Applications Engineer, NXP Semiconductors