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, 4pm Stuttgart | 7:30pm Mumbai | 10am Detroit

Brian McKay, Technical Marketing Manager, MathWorks | LinkedIn

Stefan Cinipeanu, Automotive Embedded Software Tools, NXP | LinkedIn

Marius Lucian Andrei, Automotive Embedded Software Tools, NXP | LinkedIn

Can’t attend live? Register anyway, and we’ll send you a link to the slides and a video of the webinar when it’s finished.

In this free, 60-minute webinar, NXP´s Stefan Cinipeanu, Marius-Lucian Andrei and MathWork’s Brian McKay explain how to design and develop motor control algorithms with Simulink® (MathWorks) and the Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32M2.

The experts will introduce NXP’s S32M2 family, an integrated solution for 12V motor control, and show how to access and configure the MCU peripherals making the Simulink® model hardware-aware and ready to generate, build, and deploy the application on the target.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Discover NXP’s S32M2 MCU family
  • Learn how to design and develop motor control algorithms with Simulink and NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox
  • Find out how to access and configure the motor-control S32M2 peripherals

Meet the experts

Brian McKay

Technical Marketing Manager, MathWorks

Stefan Cinipeanu

Automotive Embedded Software Tools, NXP

Marius Lucian Andrei

Automotive Embedded Software Tools, NXP