ETAS experts Irina Kimmel, Wolfram Gottschlich, and Christian Schleiffer explain how to overcome SDV cybersecurity challenges and improve the efficiency of vulnerability management.
Max Hoffmann, Tobias Klein, and Christian Schleiffer of ETAS provide insight into real-world VCU security challenges and discuss the latest threats targeting these critical components.
Christian Schleiffer and Marc-Oliver Schandera of ETAS discuss the latest developments in automotive cybersecurity regulation and standardization.
ETAS experts discuss the pressing cybersecurity challenges manufacturers and software developers face and explain how cybersecurity principles can reshape traditional development processes.
ETAS Experts provide practical solutions to help you overcome your real-world ECU software development process challenges.
Thorsten Huber, Christoph Nissle, and Anthony Esteban discuss the critical role measurement, calibration, and validation processes play in developing automotive software functions for microcontrollers.
Marcos Cardoso of ETAS and Keysight Technologies’ Seung-Taek Chang and Simon Kreibich explain how to overcome challenges when implementing a fuzz testing strategy.
George Bray, Michael Schneider, and Anthony Esteban of ETAS discuss the importance, challenges, and solutions for securing vehicle software functions on microcontrollers.
Dr Max Hoffmann and Anthony Esteban of ETAS explain the importance, challenges, and solutions for long-term cybersecurity for microcontrollers.
Experts from ETAS explain how developers and engineers can avoid pitfalls and elevate their software development processes.
Darren Buttle of ETAS and MIMER Information Technology’s Karl-König Königsson explain how to streamline vehicle data access by separating data and applications via the relational database in a vehicle’s HPC.
Rohan Pandit of ETAS and Infineon’s Michael Arzberger and Laurent Heidt discuss the complexities of balancing cybersecurity, performance, and cost-effectiveness in today’s competitive market.
Rohan Pandit of ETAS explains the impact of SDVs on cybersecurity and how to address challenges using a Hardware Security Module (HSM).
Paul Scheider of Robert Bosch explains how to manage the entire life-cycle of a software-defined vehicle easily using a ready-to-use service called Data Insights.
Jakob Kristoferitsch presents ETAS’ implementation of CPFlex and explains how it can help keep projects moving.
Siddharth Shukla of ETAS and NXP’s Karthik Sivaramakrishnan demonstrate how to leverage hardware support from NXP’s TJA1153 secure CAN transceiver to enhance IDPS solutions.
Marcos Cardoso and Thomas Irmscher of ETAS explain what automotive security fuzz testing is about and share practical use cases and recipes to use fuzzing in vehicle projects efficiently.
Omar Alshabibi of ETAS explains how to secure the vehicle computer for its entire lifecycle to ensure protection against malicious actors and enable the SDV.
Thomas Irmscher and Abdallah Ourad of ETAS discuss their experience of penetration testing on a full-vehicle level and explain how to use a multi-layered approach and powerful tools to make the process easier.
Sven Sauerzapf and Thomas Stimm of ETAS provide an overview of the ISO 24089 standard for software engineering updates and clarify its relationship with UN Regulation 156.
Michael Lüke and Dr Moritz Minzlaff of ETAS explore why SDVs are constantly evolving and what this means for your approach to security.
ETAS experts explore the implementation challenges of the ISO 21434 standard, such as evaluating its effectiveness, integrating it in the development process and overcoming resistance to change.
Andreas Klegraf of ETAS and plc2’s Stefan Krassin explain how efficient data logging enables ADAS developers to measure, log, and process relevant data.
George Bray and Sam Hutchings of ETAS explain how to use a starter kit to get an experimental Classic AUTOSAR sandbox up and running in minutes using ETAS tools.
Dr Michael Peter Schneider and Dr Siddharth Shukla of ETAS discuss the standardization of Ethernet firewalls within the AUTOSAR consortium.
ETAS experts explain how PANTARIS enables automotive service developers to plan, build, code, and launch their innovative ideas efficiently.
Laura Kürzel and Rico Renger explain how ETAS can help enable automotive service business.
Lena Steden of ETAS and ITK Engineering’s Milan Stute discuss the challenges of risk assessment and management in the automotive industry.
ETAS experts explain how OEMs and suppliers can create a certified cybersecurity management system (CSMS) and related management system based on PROOF and the ETAS template repository.
Dr Ibrahim Armac of ETAS provides unique insight into future over-the-air (OTA) update challenges and potential solutions.
Omar Alshabibi of ETAS explains how to address security challenges for complex automotive SoCs.
Michael Schneider of ETAS explains how AUTOSAR offers a way to implement a multi-level security approach by providing standardized security building blocks that can be used off the shelf.
Norbert Bissmeyer and Omar Alshabibi of ETAS explain how OEMs can create efficient and secure V2X PKI integration with a global harmonized solution.
Andrew Coombes and Rohan Pandit of ETAS present a use case of integrating an HSM into a microcontroller hypervisor system.
ESCRYPT’s Dr Moritz Minzlaff and Dr Carolina Adaros of Robert Bosch explain how to build an automotive cybersecurity incident response team.
ESCRYPT experts Joe Cusumano and John McShane discuss automotive-specific fuzzing, a robust testing technique that unmasks hidden security risks in automotive systems.
ESCRYPT’s Rohan Pandit and Suraj Ramachandrappa discuss future market trends and requirements regarding the HSM in the automotive cybersecurity domain towards next-generation vehicle E/E architectures.
ESCRYPT’s Siddharth Shukla and Andreas Weber discuss different cyber attack prevention techniques and how to combine them with IDS sensors to protect the vehicle E/E architecture.
Experts from ESCRYPT explain why it is essential to use a combination of automated SIEM and human expert teams for fleet security monitoring.
Experts from ESCRYPT provide unique insight into automotive security regulations and standards in China, including MIIT’s critical upcoming regulation.
ESCRYPT’s Jan Holle and Andreas Weber explain why distributed E/E architectures require a distributed IDPS that maps the specific protection needs of the vehicle systems.
ESCRYPT experts discuss the global demands on the ESCRYPT Intrusion Detection and Prevention Solution (IDPS) and its several components based on a review of binding legislation.
ESCRYPT’s Dr Michael Peter Schneider examines the security mechanisms included in the latest AUTOSAR releases and explains how they should be integrated into the Software Engineering Process.
ESCRYPT’s cybersecurity experts discuss the organizational processes that OEMs and suppliers must implement to comply with the latest software update delivery regulations.
Experts from ESCRYPT explain how and to what extent you can use the existing AUTOSAR security software to realize UNECE-compliant automotive cybersecurity.
ESCRYPT’s Omar Alshabibi explains how to bootstrap a V2X OBU or RSU at the manufacturing plant of an OEM or Tier 1 supplier in the most efficient way.
Experts from ESCRYPT, KPMG, and Alyne discuss how to manage cybersecurity supplier governance effectively.
ESCRYPT’s Dr. Eng. Siddharth Shukla provides insight into E/E architecture trends, focusing on the benefits and challenges of Ethernet in automotive E/E architectures.
ESCRYPT’s Dr Efstathia Katsigianni outlines the role of asymmetric cryptography for the security of automotive systems.
ESCRYPT’s Dr. Martin Moser provides insight into different IT security testing methods, the benefits of whitebox testing, and discusses the system components that should be tested.
ESCRYPT’s Dr. Jan Holle provides unique insight into the deployment of network-based intrusion detection systems (IDS) in vehicles.
ESCRYPT’s Lena Steden and Dr Christopher Kusch discuss the actions stakeholders must take to ensure that their cybersecurity management systems comply with new UNECE regulations.