How can we design and configure systems where Adaptive and Classic AUTOSAR co-exist?
KPIT subject matter expert Anders Kallerdahl explains how to design and configure a system where Adaptive and Classic AUTOSAR co-exist.
KPIT subject matter expert Anders Kallerdahl explains how to design and configure a system where Adaptive and Classic AUTOSAR co-exist.
Intempora’s Nicolas du Lac discusses how RTMaps software can help engineers across the various stages of the ADAS / AD development and testing cycles.
PatSnap’s Johnny Aguirre uses patent analysis to present a panoramic view of the most critical aspects of digital transformation in the automotive industry.
Experts from Altran discuss how the company’s combined expertise in automotive, connectivity engineering, cybersecurity and data science can help to monetize V2X beyond road safety.
Dow’s Bruce Hilman and Brad Tuft provide an overview of silicone adhesive curing technologies on the market today and describes development trends.
KPIT’s Dr Manaswini Rath discusses how to achieve validation coverage in virtual simulation for ADAS and AD features.
A panel of experts from Canoo, Linux Foundation/AGL, Sibros, UL and Uptane, explore the importance of safety-driven automotive security.
Mark Pfeiffer, CTO and Co-Founder of SiaSearch, discusses how data recordings can be made easily accessible through content-based search.
AVL experts discuss the Ajunic ECU, which can be installed in passenger and commercial vehicles to implement ADAS and automated driving functions.
Motional’s Laura Major and Oscar Beijbom discuss the role of data sharing in the development of self-driving vehicles.
Zeenia Framroze of Smartcar outlines future mobility trends, along with the opportunities that are emerging, and some of the associated challenges and alternative perspectives.
Experts from AVL explain how to create efficient ADAS / AD test programs for commercial vehicles to ensure optimum coverage with uncompromised safety.
Elektrobit shares highlights of EB Assist ADTF 3 and its latest releases as cornerstone for development and validation
Experts from dlhBOWLES discuss the importance of sensor availability for ADAS features and highly autonomous vehicles.
Garima Mathur of Western Digital explains why data storage is key to accelerating the development of automotive technologies.
Elektrobit’s Wolfgang Völkel provides insight into scalable Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) solutions for ADAS ECU validation.
Dr. Dennis Kengo Oka of Synopsys discusses how to reduce security risks in CAVs prior to production by following a secure software development approach.
Elektrobit’s Dr Sebastian Ohl showcases a solution using a high-performance ADAS system and a safety ECU running AUTOSAR Adaptive and Classic.
Dino Flore and Jim Misener of Qualcomm provide insight into the benefits of C-V2X, and how it improves predictability for enhanced road safety and autonomous driving.
Continental’s Bruno Nunes-Silva and Peer Sterner of Elektrobit outline the general trends in in-vehicle architectures with HPCs and share their experience with Adaptive and Classic AUTOSAR platforms.